I’m going to relay it in the exact same way that he wrote it out. Just when you think his story cannot get crazier, it does. His story is one of full-on corruption, and he exposes names.
In June 2022, I was told by prosecutors that I could plea guilty to Trespassing on the Grass or face going to court in Washington DC on several other (made up) felony charges that they knew I had not committed. So because I had no chance of a fair trail and facing several false charges, I was forced to plead guilty to Trespassing on the Restricted West Lawn. My plea agreement stated the maximum amount of probation I could receive would be one year but for this non violent misdemeanor crime, I was sentenced to:
1: Two additional months of House Arrest with Location Monitoring for a total of 18 months.
2: Three additional years of Supervised Federal Probation with travel restrictions for a total of 4 years and 8 months of Supervised Federal Probation even though the plea agreement I had signed stated a maximum of 1 year probation.
3: Firearm Confiscation and Restrictions in clear violation of my 2nd amendment rights.
4: Mandatory random drug testing even though I have no drug history. I have passed all these tests.
5: Mandatory mental health evaluation, even though I have no mental health history. I passed this test.
6: $525.00 in restitution for damage to the Capital Building even though I never entered or even touched the Capital Building. I paid this fine.
7: 60 hours of community service. I completed all the community service…