Lioness of Judah Ministry
“This federal government’s bringing children over that are being lost, sexually mutilated, raped, murdered, and then we’re shocked or appalled that there could be organ harvesting….”
Democratic lawmakers and activists are pushing back against Donald Trump’s immigration crackdown, accusing the president of a lack of empathy. But there’s nothing compassionate about the policies of his predecessors, who not only lost track of tens of thousands of migrant children, but eased the work of criminals engaged in their systematic abuse.
Independent investigators, whistleblowers and a handful of MAGA lawmakers have spent years detailing the horrific risks underage illegal immigrants face when they come to the US, from forced labor and sexual exploitation to ‘recycling’ by traffickers who match them with strangers to ease adults’ entry into the US.
Documented abuse has been rampant, and includes:
The drugging of toddlers in transit to the border to prevent them from confirming whether the adults accompanying them are relatives.
Infants as young as two being left alone at the border with pieces of paper with contact information about guardians supposedly already in the US.
Testimony from HHS and CBP whistleblowers in a bombshell viral documentary by independent journalist Ryan Matta about what effectively amounted to a “public-private partnership” between Biden officials and criminal cartels facilitating the trafficking of children, including for sexual purposes.
Allegations by Matta and others accusing USAID and NGOs of orchestrating a $797M campaign in Guatemala to turn the country into the “Child Kidnapping Capital of the World”.