WAYNE ROOT: Vaccine Mandate is Cloward-Piven Plan to Destroy USA and End Capitalism

Back in the 1980s, I was a Columbia University student learning about a plan to destroy America and end capitalism. It was called Cloward-Piven – named after a Columbia University husband-wife professor team. Their insane goal was to turn America into a socialist/communist hellhole.

They planned to do it by overwhelming and collapsing the US economy with massive debt, created by getting as many Americans as possible on welfare, food stamps and unemployment. In the ensuing economic catastrophe and collapse of our country, every business owner would get on their knees to beg government to save them.

At that moment of crisis and chaos, we would become a socialist/communist country.

Open borders is Cloward Piven- updated for 2021. And as the greatest bonus ever, Democrats know these millions of foreigners will loyally vote for the party who let them in, and then promises to give them the biggest welfare checks. These are lifetime Democrat voters.
But there is now a powerful Part Deux to Cloward-Piven. Democrats aren’t content to just welcome tens of millions of foreign welfare addicts into the USA. They also want to make tens of millions of American-born citizens unemployed and dependent on government too.

So, Part Deux of Cloward-Piven is the Vaccine Mandates.

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