We are a group of concerned families, business leaders, and other professionals that recently joined together to launch The Unity Project to aid a unified movement against forced Covid-19 child vaccines, via unification efforts, resourcing, and the need to amplify the best strategies of the most effective groups already doing tremendous work in this space.

We recognized the urgent need to unite statewide into a powerful force of concerned citizens that is well-resourced, well-coordinated with streamlined communication and propelled by strong execution across the state. Our humble intention is to also serve as a catalyst that significantly amplifies the best strategies being driven by the most experienced and effective groups in the space.
The effort has been met with overwhelming enthusiasm, as everyone knows there’s tremendous power in large numbers acting together.

Unity & Teamwork. We have built a “broad tent” community that is neither interested in nor distracted by “Left – Right” partisan politics. Instead, we are committed to a framework where integrity, care for one another, and rational evidence-based common sense guide us.

This powerful movement has already gained tremendous momentum involving citizens across both sides of the political aisle who share these core values and are deeply united on this particular issue.

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