Is Hemorrhagic Fever the next CCP Bioweapon?

Steve Kirsch considered this news credible enough to relay.  He includes a link to the original report on JD Rucker’s substack:

Second, JD Rucker’s substack post includes a link to his interview of Dr. Yan (Feb 12, 2022), posted on Rumble, here:

In the interview, starting at timestamp 32:00, JD Rucker asks Dr. Yan about the cases of hemorrhagic fever being reported recently in the UK, and how it relates to the CCP.  

Dr. Yan takes up the rest of the interview, describing in detail the CCP’s current release of a new gain-of-function version of hemorrhagic fever.  

She says, there is a monoclonal antibody drug produced by Johnson & Johnson, called, Darzalex (generic name is Daratumumab), which China has repurposed as a cure for this new gain-of-function virus.  China has already grabbed the world supply, so it is up to the rest of the world’s governments to quickly react and manufacture a new supply.

Important note: monoclonal antibody drugs are expensive (thousands of dollars per dose).  And they cannot be administered at home;  they require going to an infusion center.  We can expect it to be rationed, just as the current US federal government has been rationing the monoclonal antibody drugs for covid.

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