WATCH: Tucker Carlson Discusses Food Processing Plants Across the Country Catching Fire, Over a Dozen Factories Destroyed, Including Two THIS WEEK in Plane Crashes

From Steve K:

Are global imperialists trying to take over our supply chains?
Do they want to cause shortages to make us more dependent on the government?
Will they then try to make us get “vaccinated” if we want our food and other necessities?

WATCH: Tucker Carlson Discusses Food Processing Plants Across the Country Catching Fire, Over a Dozen Factories Destroyed, Including Two THIS WEEK in Plane Crashes

With the cost of energy skyrocketing and record-breaking inflation, the Biden administration came out last month and warned the public about “food shortages” hitting the US.

Well, something odd and concerning has been happening ever since the Biden Administration made their ominous prediction. Over the past month, there has been a mysterious wave of destruction hitting the US food processing infrastructure that has seen “over a dozen” food production facilities destroyed completely or rendered inoperable.

This week alone there were TWO – yes two – separate incidents where a plane crashed into food processing plants, one in Idaho on April 13th, and the other in Georgia on the 21st at the General Mills Processing Facility.

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