Farmers on the Brink

From Steve K:

Are global imperialists trying to take over our supply chains?
Do they want to cause shortages to make us more dependent on the government?
Will they then try to make us get “vaccinated” if we want our food and other necessities?

Farmers on the Brink

We believe we are at the onset of a global famine of historic proportions. In a staggering defiance of logic, many US politicians are still attacking the lifeblood of our own energy production infrastructure, looking to score political points against “the other team,” blaming price-taking producers of global commodities for gouging, threatening producers of energy with windfall profits taxes, resisting calls to remove bureaucratic hurdles to new production, and refusing to open an introductory physics textbook to help guide them through the suite of policy choices that require true leadership to get right. They remain stuck in an endless loop of platitudes, blamestorming, corruption, and ignorance.

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