Bill Gates: The Psychopath As PhilanthropistThe Microsoft founder wants to own your DNA but, don’t worry, it’s for your own good!

If you thought that Bill Gates might do the sensible thing, and keep a low profile after his wife pursued a nasty and public divorce over his ties to an international pedophile sex trafficking ring — you would be wrong. Being sensible is for ordinary psychopathswho are concerned about exposure, and can sense reputational danger. But if you’re a psychopath who is also the world’s third wealthiest human being and “on the spectrum” you probably don’t understand what exposure means because you’re not really in touch with human morality in any fundamental sense.

After all, you capture — or, if you prefer, “influence” or “invest” or “collaborate” or whatever the global elite likes to call legalized bribery this week! — entire foreign governments and international non-government organizations from Monday to Friday every week. Basically, you think you’re God — and nobody you’ve bought (and that’s practically everybody) wants to dissuade you from that feeling.
So you don’t even bother taking a break from your busy schedule of pretending to be the world’s leading TV expert on pandemics — because you’re too busy blocking out the sun, and buying up America’s farmland, and signing deals with Chinese DNA harvesting firms, and teaching Seattle schoolkids that math is racist.

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