17 Goals Toward Enslavement: Exposing The Real Agendas Behind The 2030 Agenda

Corey Lynn has investigated many of these agendas against mankind, to expose their true nature and show the underbelly of what these agendas are truly about – human enslavement. All of these reports are linked below with corresponding “sustainable goals” so that everyone can understand exactly what we are up against, how to prepare, and how to fight back. Each in-depth report dives into the timelines, operations, evidence, money trail, true agenda, and key players involved. In essence, they obliterate the alleged desire of the “Sustainable Goals” and reveal the desires of men and women who wish to control the world by making humans obedient, unhealthy, uneducated, unwise, unknowing, financially broke, and lacking identity or gender, while tracking and tracing their every move.

People are beginning to understand that these eugenicists, dating back over a century, are the billionaire puppet masters who have been coordinating this controlled demolition that is quickly unraveling before our eyes. It can be seen in every industry, through every initiative, each policy change, every manufactured crisis, the takeover of governments, the thievery of taxpayer dollars, the printing of money, ongoing hoaxes and false flags, inventing new industries that cause harm rather than good, and the complete control being ushered in to surveil human beings every move. There is no denying it. The veil between reality and illusion has been lifted.

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