What You Need To Know About The World Economic Forum’s 2022 Meeting

Pfizer and Vaccines
Despite two years having passed since the World Health Organizations announcement of a “global pandemic”, the topic of vaccinations was high on the list of priorities, especially as corporate media begins to sound the alarm on “a new wave of COVID-19 infections” and concerns about Monkeypox (TLAV will be investigating the Monkeypox situation as it develops).

Pharmaceutical giant Pfizer committed to providing all of their current and future patent-protected medicines on a not-for-profit basis to 45 low-income nations. The move was announced by Pfizer CEO Alberta Bourla. He made no mention of adverse reactions caused by Pfizer’s COVID-19 injections.

The Next Pandemic
Another panel titled “Preparing for the Next Pandemic”, featured Bill Gates; Peter Sands, Executive Director, The Global Fund To Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis & Malaria; Helen E. Clark of the WHO; and Francis deSouza, President and Chief Executive Officer, Illumina Inc. The presence of deSouza and Illumina is an interesting choice, especially in regards to the “next pandemic”, because the company deals with DNA sequencing and genomics.

Additionally, there was a panel titled “The Post-Pandemic City: Not Business as Usual”, featuring speakers imagining how a city might change in the post-COVID-19 world. Interestingly, participating in the panel is Francis Suarez, Mayor of Miami and President of the United States Conference of Mayors. This detail is worth noting as an example of how a global agenda — Agenda 2030, climate change, sustainable design — starts at places like the WEF and filters its way down to the local level where it is implemented by local officials like Mayor Suarez.

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