The CDC says “severe reactions” to the COVID vaccines are rare. That’s not what we found.

The CDC has always maintained that severe reactions to the COVID vaccines are rare. Since I officially became a misinformation spreader over a year ago, I’ve never believed that statement because I couldn’t find any reliable data that confirmed it.

On Jun 20, 2022, VSRF engaged the services of a professional polling company (Pollfish) to survey 500 people who were selected entirely at random.

The implications of what we found in that poll were shocking: At least 2M Americans over 18 were injured by the COVID vaccine such that they are unable to hold a job.

The US government has never done any research to determine the extent of the injuries caused by the COVID vaccines. Now we know why.

The results of our poll were consistent with an earlier vaccine injury survey by the Israeli government and with the VAERS data which has been “lit up” since January 2021 telling us “the COVID vaccines are the most unsafe vaccines in human history.”

Now we have independent confirmation that the safety signals in VAERS were accurate, just like we’ve always said.
The numbers in this poll are absolutely shocking and there is no way to

spin this as a positive.
This article includes the full Pollfish survey reports and individual response data so that anyone can analyze it themselves.

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