The Gates Foundation is Researching How to Manipulate You Into Taking ‘Future’ COVID Vaccines.…INCLUDING USING HARD CASH.

The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation is now funding studies on how to best manipulate people to receive “future” COVID-19 vaccines – including “targeted” messaging and financial compensation – despite studies continuing to show links between the vaccine and myocarditis.

“Use of financial incentives could be a potential tool to improve vaccine uptake,” continues the paper, which drew its analysis from a review of over 150 scientific articles.
“Message framing is a powerful tool for vaccine promotion; however, messages should be carefully framed and should be targeted to the population of interest. Financial incentives, free-of-charge vaccines, and use of vaccine champions should be considered in future vaccine promotions as they were successful in increasing both measles and HPV vaccine coverage rates,” concludes the study, which also advocates implementing vaccine programs in “schools, universities, or healthcare settings to target adolescents and/or adults.”

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