Pandemic of the Vaccinated: New Data from Walgreens Reveals Vaccinated People are More Likely to Test Positive

According to recent data from over 8,000 Walgreens stores in the United States, the unvaccinated have the lowest incidence of COVID-19, and vaccinated people are more likely to test positive.
Indeed, it is the pandemic of the vaccinated.

A study published in the New England Journal of Medicine and conducted in Israel found that the immunity against the delta variant of SARS-CoV-2 waned in all age groups a few months after receipt of the second dose of the vaccine, as reported by The Gateway Pundit.
A peer-reviewed study found that the protection from Pfizer’s Covid-19 vaccine against the Omicron variant fades in just a week after receiving the second and third dose.
According to the Danish study published in JAMA Network on Friday, the researchers found a rapid decline in Omicron-specific serum neutralizing antibody titers only a few weeks after the second and third doses of Pfizer’s Covid-19 vaccine.
It should be clear by now that Americans were lied to about the pandemic and the related vaccine.

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