Transcommunism is coming.Better watch outAlain Grootaers

In Canada, the WEF is suddenly helping the Canadian government set up the Federal Digital ID programme. The aim of the new initiative is to develop a digital ID that can be used in various systems and environments, “from government departments to airports and border controls”.
This “Known Traveler Digital Identity (KTDI)” was a pilot project of the WEF in 2018. Prime Minister Trudeau of Canada is a Young Global Leader of the WEF. Other partner in Canada’s KTDI programme, by the way, is the Dutch government. That includes Sigrid Kaag (D66), an ‘agenda contributor’ to the WEF.
Kaag is pretty much the Netherlands’ shadow prime minister and finance minister. She reported a few days ago that she wants to oblige banks to put all transactions above 100 euros into a large database, under the guise of fighting fiscal fraud.
That in itself is a huge breach of privacy law.
The Dutch government’s plan to track almost all transactions of its citizens could also be a preparatory step towards the implementation of a digital central bank currency (Central Bank Digital Currency). That digital euro is again not a fairy tale of conspiracy thinkers, but was also previously announced by the European Central Bank.
Such a digital Euro, centrally controlled by the ECB is the prelude to a total social control society on the Chinese model. With it, every financial transaction can not only be monitored but then adjusted or even banned. Linked to credit or debit cards, your spending patterns can be accurately tracked. Linked to your “Covid Safe” card or app (which will be soon renamed as a Health Certificate) your money can be blocked in case of ‘undesirable behaviour’.
Bought too much meat or avocados from Africa this month causing your carbon footprint to go into the red? Then your digital money for these products will be blocked. Put a bottle of Moët et Chandon Champagne too much in your shopping basket while your digital health certificate knows you have high blood pressure? “Better not drink any more alcohol this month anyway” your digital money will say to you.
Anyone who already takes a plane once in a while will not be able to book their next flight if as a result your ‘CO2 plane points’ have been exceeded. Airmiles will suddenly take on a whole new meaning.
Maybe the green tick on your digital pass will suddenly jump to red if it turns out that you have not been vaccinated and you will be unable to buy anything at all.
And if you protest about it and want to hit the streets, the red tick might give a free pass to riot police to beat you up. Excessive? It already happened consistently last year at peaceful demonstrations in the Netherlands, Canada, Belgium and France. And it’s all been happening in China.

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