A Grand Unified Theory of the FTX DisasterThe Wars of Wars: Where the Wars IntersectMathew Crawford

A giant cryptocurrency exchange, FTX, and its companion quant trading/investment firm, Alameda Research, have collapsed in what appears to be a leveraged Ponzi-esque event that poisoned many other businesses in the nascent crypto-finance ecosystem. This isn’t exactly the right story, and I am to clarify.
FTX was likely one of several available attempts by the Globalist Elite to establish the intended new global financial network and currency.
A second attempt to control digital currencies is likely planned to take place through the regulatory system, using the FTX debacle as the excuse.
The flood of information about the first point seems meant to obscure the second, third, and other points.
The pandemic is the fog of war intended to create the opportunity and obscure the activities behind this plan.
This plan connects a lot of stories, including the activities of Bill Gates and Jeffrey Epstein. It weaves through MIT Media Labs along the way, but goes to the heart of the powers who ultimately control the military-intelligence-banking complex—and that include the pedophile elite. Whitney Webb has done us great favors tunneling toward much of this, but hasn’t yet reached the core (an overly tall task for any one person).
The endgame is conceived as an intellectually (genetically) superior human race, but that may be merely a conceptual construct of an insane network of situationally brilliant, if overconfident psychopathic elites. The mass gathering of genetic data and gene-drive technology likely play a role.

Now, let us summarize: Under a pandemic-induced fog of war, the military-banking complex may be enabling an elite pedophile class of blackmail agents at least partially organized around MIT to establish a Global Digital Central Bank to enslave the human race, cull populations, and subject them to genetic information control.
One additional thought worth thinking about is whether these seemingly related global events were at least somewhat telegraphed, and whether this is the reason power consolidation occurred in China, Russia, and Saudi Arabia over the past few years. One way to retain national strength in the midst of Fifth-Generation warfare involving a constant stream of confusing signals is to line the ducks up in a row and move as a single unit.
In all this, I make my best effort to make no mistake about where I mix fact and speculation, but understand that conversations trying to unravel the Bigger Picture, including the very real spectre of sexual blackmailing dominating global politics are being had among the world’s cognitive elite and power players. They’ve been going on for years now. One must wonder how much of a role all this plays in the unmistakable bunker-buying trend among the billionaire class.

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