The Uniparty, FTX, and Electoral FraudBy Jack Gleason

Our country may be nearing the conclusion of the most dangerous game of political “chicken” in history.
We have just experienced the second great election steal in two years. Will the Uni-Party of Democrats and RINOs succeed in evaporating the Red Wave?
RINO politicians and media are complaining that conservatives were too lazy to vote in November, but Republicans, independents and even Democrats turned out in such huge numbers that the cheating had to be so blatant that it is now impossible to overlook. The “big four” shows on FOX, normally famous for exposing Democrat stupidity and corruption, could have focused on the fraud in a different city or state for each segment since the election, but instead have prattled on about every shiny object except 2022 fraud.
Will corrupt legislators, governors, and politicians succeed in quashing the protests and legal challenges?
A series of developments is providing hope that the entire web of deceit, manipulation, and corruption may soon be unraveled. People all over the world are figuring out what is going on with tainted elections and are protesting.

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