Oregon hospital proudly announces expansion of sex change department

The OHSU proudly announced the expansion of their “gender-affirming services,” which include castration for the purpose of vaginoplasty, as well as creating non-functional “neo-penises” from the skin and flesh of forearms.

While little is known about the long-term risks and complications of this experimental treatment pathway, the combination of puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones is thought to result in infertility, which is why pediatric gender clinics offer children fertility preservation services prior to commencing treatment.
The OHSU Doernbecher pediatric gender clinic teaches children how to pronounce the word “fertility” in its fertility preservation handout, seemingly without asking themselves whether a child who isn’t even able to read the word is really developmentally capable of consenting to being sterilized.
“Many trans and gender diverse people are interested in keeping, or preserving, their fertility (fur-TILL-uh-tee). This is the ability to have biological children,” the author of the handout writes.
Children are then given information about freezing their sperm or eggs, and boys are told that they can either provide a sperm sample or have sperm extracted directly from their testicles.

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