There is ALWAYS a way to win

JB Shurk nails it in American Thinker. Winning is a matter of Will.
That includes the current war against Deep State Tyranny:

“People are depressed today not because encroaching totalitarianism is succeeding behind the camouflage of the West’s “politically correct,” “we’re all in this together,” “we must protect democracy,” “the planet is dying,” “everything is racist,” manipulative pablum.  They are depressed because they know how much hard work will be required to dredge all this evil hokum from society, liberate the masses, and find victory in the midst of retreat.  It is the size of the gargantuan task before us that is intimidating — not some belief in certain defeat.  Once you recognize that distinction — once you accept that no matter how heavy the load we must bear nor how long the road we must travel, there is a path to success — then the real challenge becomes executing a vision of our better future and not perpetually mourning the burial of our trampled past.  As with many challenges worth pursuing, the most difficult first step is changing one’s state of mind to that of a warrior.”

We each must channel the Warrior Within. Those of us familiar with martial arts, know this:

“Among writer David Mamet’s considerable achievements, he deftly addresses the warrior mindset in a number of his works.  In Ronin, Spartan, and the television series The Unit, the master wordsmith delves into notions of honor, duty, perseverance, and sacrifice.  One of his often overlooked gems contemplating these subjects, though, is Redbelt, a film about a jiu-jitsu instructor who teaches his students over and over that no matter the adversity — in combat or in life — there is always an action that will prevent defeat.  Neutralizing any threat requires understanding the given circumstances, choosing the correct response, and executing that response faithfully.  Mamet, who is trained in mixed martial arts and reveals an undeniable respect for true warriors, drops philosophical pearls throughout the film that would resonate with any servicemember, law enforcement officer, or veteran, or anyone else who has been or will be in harm’s way:”

There is ALWAYS a way to win. This applies whether you are fighting wokeism in your kid’s school; fraud in your local election; or “vaccine” mandates by your employer:

A man distracted is a man defeated.
There’s always an escape.
There is no situation that you could not turn to your advantage.
One rule — put the other guy down.
Who imposes the terms of the battle will impose the terms of the peace.
You control yourself, you control [your opponent].

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