Proof: Strokes are caused by the COVID vaccinesI bet $1M that the vax causes strokes. Any takers? They knew this at the very start of the vaccination campaign if they were paying attention to the adverse event reports. I’ll show you how they knew.Steve Kirsch

Thanks to the heroic work of Dr. Naomi Wolf and Amy Kelly in investigating the Pfizer documents, it was recently brought to my attention that Pfizer knew about 300 stroke-related events that happened in the first 3 months after the vaccine was released.
Check out this document which summarizes the stroke data from the Pfizer 5.3.6 document. There were a total of 42,086 adverse events, but it’s a secret as to how many people that represents (the denominator).
We can estimate it though because they told us that there were 611 anaphylaxis events. We know from the Blumenthal paper that there are 2.4 cases of anaphylaxis per 10,000 shots. This implies 2.5M shots were given which means 1.25M people reported events here. This is an estimate of the “denominator” that Pfizer didn’t disclose.
The reason for redacting the denominator is simple: if anyone knew how small that number was, they’d have stopped the vaccine immediately. If the denominator was large, Pfizer would be willfully supplying the denominator. The fact that they aren’t disclosing the denominator means that they knew that the adverse event rate was unacceptably high.

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