How to Conquer Evil

Truth Over Tyranny: Biblical wisdom for defeating the Technocrats.
These are my insights for defeating the Transhumanist Technocracy movement, based on the teachings of Rabbi Jonathan Sacks, of blessed memory, on the weekly Bible portion.

Evil exists today, in a multitude of forms.

It is evil for the richest people on earth to try to take the wealth of everyone else with a “Great Reset.”

It is evil for global leaders to attempt “depopulation” out of obedience to a fake “climate god.” 

It is evil for the “ruling elite” to exploit the masses through child trafficking, women trafficking, organ trafficking, and drug trafficking. 

It is evil for world governments to mandate drugs that kill, maim, and sterilize their citizens.

It is evil for political gangsters to steal elections and attempt to impose tyranny. 

It is evil for scientists to develop technologies that are designed to rob individuals of their free will.

It is evil for parents and teachers to destroy the minds and bodies of their children with transgender policies and practices. 

How did we get here? How did evil become so prevalent?

Rabbi Jonathan Sacks addresses this question in his commentary on Parashat Beshallach called “The Face of Evil.”

He begins by addressing the utter confusion people felt at the 9/11 terror attacks:

“After 9/11, when the horror and trauma had subsided, Americans found themselves asking what had happened and why. Was it a disaster? A tragedy? A crime? An act of war? It did not seem to fit the pre-existing paradigms. And why had it happened? The question most often asked about Al Qaeda was, “Why do they hate us?”

Quoting author Lee Harris, Rabbi Sacks points out that we in the Western world had forgotten the idea of the enemy:

“The reason for the questions and the failure to find answers, said Harris, was that we in the West had forgotten the concept of an enemy. Liberal democratic politics and market economics create a certain kind of society, a specific way of thinking and a characteristic type of personality. At their heart is the concept of the rational actor, the person who judges acts by their consequences and chooses the maximal option. Such a person believes that for every problem there is a solution, for every conflict a resolution. The way to achieve it is to sit down, negotiate, and do on balance what is best for all.”

“In such a world there are no enemies, merely conflicts of interest. An enemy, says Harris, is simply “a friend we haven’t done enough for yet.” In the real world, however, not everyone is a liberal democrat. An enemy is “someone who is willing to die in order to kill you. And while it is true that the enemy always hates us for a reason, it is his reason, not ours.” He sees a different world from ours, and in that world we are the enemy. Why do they hate us? Answers Harris:”

“They hate us because we are their enemy.” Lee Harris, Civilization and Its Enemies: The Next Stage of History, New York: Free Press, 2004, p.xii–xiii”

The imperative of remembering your enemy is driven home in the parsha:

“This explains the significance of the unusual command at the end of this week’s parsha. The Israelites had escaped the seemingly inexorable danger of the chariots of the Egyptian army, the military high-tech of its day. Miraculously the sea divided, the Israelites crossed, the Egyptians, their chariot wheels caught in the mud, were unable either to advance or retreat and were caught by the returning tide.”

“The Israelites sang a song and finally seemed to be free, when something untoward and unexpected happened. They were attacked by a new enemy, the Amalekites, a nomadic group living in the desert. Moses instructed Joshua to lead the people in battle. They fought and won. But the Torah makes it clear that this was no ordinary battle:”

“Then the Lord said to Moses, ‘Write this on a scroll as something to be remembered and make sure that Joshua hears it, because I will completely blot out the name of Amalek from under heaven.’ Moses built an altar and called it The Lord is my Banner. He said, ‘The hand is on the Lord’s throne. The Lord will be at war with Amalek for all generations.’”

“Amalek” stands for the eternal enemy that must always be defeated. Why? Because he will always seek to defeat us:

“We are commanded not to hate Egypt, but never to forget Amalek. Why the difference? The simplest answer is to recall the Rabbis’ statement in The Ethics of the Fathers: “If love depends on a specific cause, when the cause ends, so does the love. If love does not depend on a specific cause, then it never ends.”[3] The same applies to hate. When hate depends on a specific cause, it ends once the cause disappears. Causeless, baseless hate lasts forever.”

“Non-rational” actors perpetrate evil for evil’s sake. Because of this, there is no negotiating with them:

“Emil Fackenheim, one of the great post-Holocaust theologians, noted that towards the end of the Second World War the Germans diverted trains carrying supplies to their own army, in order to transport Jews to the extermination camps. So driven were they by hatred that they were prepared to put their own victory at risk in order to carry out the systematic murder of the Jews of Europe. This was, he said, evil for evil’s sake.[4] 

“Evil never dies and – like liberty – it demands constant vigilance. We are commanded to remember, not for the sake of the past but for the sake of the future, and not for revenge but the opposite: a world free of revenge and other forms of violence…”

“Lee Harris began Civilization and its Enemies with the words, “The subject of this book is forgetfulness,”[6] and ends with a question: “Can the West overcome the forgetfulness that is the nemesis of every successful civilisation?”[7] That is why are commanded to remember and never forget Amalek, not because the historic people still exists, but because a society of rational actors can sometimes believe that the world is full of rational actors with whom one can negotiate peace. It is not always so.”

The only way to deal with evil – and preserve our freedom – is to defeat it:

“But peace is not possible with those who attack people they see as weak and who deny their own people the freedom for which they claim to be fighting. Freedom depends on our ability to remember and, whenever necessary, confront “the eternal gang of ruthless men,”[8] the face of Amalek throughout history. Sometimes there may be no alternative but to fight evil and defeat it. This may be the only path to peace.”

I will add this. Rabbi Sacks makes an important distinction between the Jewish reaction to our experience with Egypt – the rational actor – and our reaction to Amalek – the irrational actor: 

“The Egyptians oppressed the Israelites because, in Pharaoh’s words, “The Israelites are becoming too numerous and strong for us” (Ex. 1:9). Their hate, in other words, came from fear. It was not irrational. The Egyptians had been attacked and conquered before by a foreign group known as the Hyksos, and the memory of that period was still acute and painful. The Amalekites, however, were not being threatened by the Israelites. They attacked a people who were “weary and worn out,” specifically those who were “lagging behind.” In short: The Egyptians feared the Israelites because they were strong. The Amalekites attacked the Israelites because they were weak.”

And so we target Amalek as our eternal enemy:

“Remember what the Amalekites did to you along the way when you came out of Egypt. When you were weary and worn out, they met you on your journey and attacked all who were lagging behind; they had no fear of God … You shall blot out the name of Amalek from under heaven. Do not forget!” Deut. 25:17-19

In essence, the Amalekites were attacking God by saying, “So you think you are the protector of the weak? Well, here are the weak straggling along, and we can attack them. You must not be such a good protector. We are more powerful than you.”

I see today’s Transhumanist Technocrats as launching the same kind of attack against God. They seek to murder the majority of the world’s population, and enslave the remainder with bio-technology. They will take charge of human reproduction with their labs and drugs. In essence, they are saying to God, “So you think you are the creator of creation? Well, we can create a more perfect “human” with our technology. You are not such a good creator. We are more powerful than you.”

These evil people are today’s Amalekites. As such we must remember how to deal with our enemies: defeating them is the only option. 

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