Dr. Naomi Wolf on the War Room: Based on a Recent Sample of Deceased COVID Vaccine Is Likely Causing Catastrophic Damage to Recipients

Dr. Arne Burkhardt is one of eight international pathologists, physicians and scientists who were asked to perform a second autopsy, requested by friends and family of the deceased who were not satisfied with the results of the first autopsy.
Thirty autopsies and three biopsies were evaluated; 15 cases with routine histopathology (Step 1), three with advanced methods (Step 2), and some of the remaining 15 are included as illustrative cases…
…Causation by SMGT [Spike-Mediated Gene Therapy]: Very probable in five cases, probable in seven, unclear in two and no connection in one.
Lesions were on multiple organs including: Brain, Heart, Kidney, Liver, Lungs, Lymph Node, Salivary Gland, Skin, Spleen, Testis, Thyroid and Vascular.
Lymphocyte Infiltration, present in 14 of 20 cases (70%), was a common feature and involved multiple organs. Case 19 had at least five different organs involved. CD3+ Lymphocytes were dominant.
The Vascular System was targeted by Lymphocyte Infiltration in seven (35%) of the cases and included sloughing endothelium, destruction of the vessel wall, hemorrhage and thrombosis.

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