The Fake ‘Food as Medicine’ Agenda

Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola  Fact Checked March 25, 2023


The Attack on Food Symposium brought together experts, including me, to discuss the
pressing topic of food security and provide solutions at the individual and societal levels

My presentation focused on the fake food agenda and synthetic foods, which are
threatening human health and the environment

Fake food is predicted to become a $3 trillion market; consulting firm McKinsey &
Company predicted that 60% of all materials in the economy could be produced this way,
including fake meat, fake milk and fake fat

Be on the lookout for industry buzzwords like precision fermentation, a term the biotech
industry is using to piggyback off the popularity of truly health-promoting natural

Fake, ultraprocessed foods give the globalists unprecedented power and control over
human health; the symposium goes into detail on how farmers, individuals and society
can fight back

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