Bacha Bazi in America?American drag culture bears a disturbing resemblance to the Afghan custom of “boy play.”

Will the authorities enact laws to curtail the excesses of the drag queen movement? Some states have already passed such legislation, and others seem likely to follow suit. But there is little hope that this will happen at the federal level. Just as the boy groomers in Afghanistan feel free to force boys to look and act like girls, the Biden administration looks kindly on Frankenstein-like doctors who employ scalpel and syringe in order to make boys look like girls, and girls look like boys.
Recently President Joe Biden attacked state laws aimed at protecting children from these dangerous and life-altering procedures. He called these child-protection laws “hateful” and “discriminatory” and promised to challenge them.
If Biden is willing to stand up for procedures that mutilate children’s bodies, he certainly will have no objection to the attempt to tamper with their psyches and their souls through drag. For that is what it amounts to. Defenders of drag say it’s all about fun and play. At most, they say, it’s about expanding the child’s horizons — introducing him to all of life’s diversity and helping him discover his true self.
But there’s more to it than that. Consider “Drag Pedagogy: The Playful Practice of Queer Imagination in Early Childhood.” The manifesto, put together by several queer theorists, claims that educators in the past conditioned children to accept heterosexuality. By contrast, drag queen events are aimed at subverting “heteronormativity.”

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