Ridiculous polls and uncanny similarities between leftists in the US and Israel

It is a warning to conservatives everywhere: the rise of deconstructionist woke progressivism, amped by social media, threatens the future of democracy everywhere. The Israeli Left now is acting to circumvent free elections by trying to take down Benjamin (“Bibi”) Netanyahu’s popularly chosen majority government, just as the American Left acted to take down Donald Trump’s presidency.
In a way, it is like seeing “Hamilton” or “Les Miserables” on Broadway and then, two years later, seeing it again in Tel Aviv at the Cameri or Habima, only with a different cast and language but with the same songs, the same costumes and staging.
In Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu plays Donald Trump. Yair Lapid, the dangerous mediocrity who rose to be prime minister courtesy of the Religious Zionists from Givat Shmuel to Efrat who trusted Naftali Bennett, plays Nancy Pelosi. The Israeli Left plays Black Li[v]es Matter, closing down airports, violently assaulting members of parliament at their homes, aiming to destroy the country’s finances and credit rating. Israel’s TV news channels Kan 11, Keshet 12, and Reshet 13 play CNN, MSNBC, and another MSNBC. The Ha’aretz daily plays the New York Times (they wish). Maariv and Yediot Acharonot play the Washington Post and the L.A. Times (they wish).
And both countries’ productions are financed by Deep State Democrats, George Soros and Friends.

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