Deagel Population Forecast Sees Nearly 70 Percent Fewer Americans by 2025

All of the globalist policies over the last three years are driving toward one thing, mass depopulation. Yes, they want to kill us. Until you understand that, you will never understand what’s going on. You will never make sense of it.
I know it’s a hard pill to swallow, but reject it at your own risk. Those who live in denial will get duped, again. Many of those duped the first time lost their lives, or ended up with life-long health issues. Some even offered their children to the military-biomedical-security complex.
I like to revert back to the analysis done by Deagel Corp. in 2014, forecasting massive global population declines out to the year 2025, especially in Western countries…

The globalists need to kill us off in order to fully enslave those who remain. Why? Because they have two basic disadvantages in their war against humanity. First, they are vastly outnumbered and, second, many of us still have the ability to think critically and independently of what we hear or see on their totally owned and controlled media outlets.

Sun Tzu, the brilliant Chinese military strategist on the Art of War, said that the smart warrior attacks his enemy’s strengths at his weakest point.

If the globalists are following the wisdom of Sun Tzu, they would cull the population and reduce the level at which they are outnumbered, and they would poison those of us who remain so that we are weakened and unable to think critically and independently, at least not to the level that we could organize any meaningful resistance.

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