Normalizing Sex as EntertainmentHypothesis: Bored elites’ novelty seeking behavior is driving normalization of pedophilia and other sexual taboosROBERT W MALONE MD, MS

I suggest that one aspect of what is going on with the increasing normalization of what were previously considered perverted sexual behaviors in most western cultures is that we are observing a trend as old as this history of corrupt elites and civilizations. The idle hyper wealthy, particularly “first generation” or “new wealth”, have a tendency to become obsessed with seeking new experiences. In the present world, this new caste of hyper wealthy elites control both political consensus and media messaging. And so it follows that, if their collective “culture” and “cultural norms” are diverging from that of the underlying general culture, the political consensus and media messaging will reflect the divergent point of view and norms of the idle rich. Sexual behaviors and otherwise.
In sum, it may be that the globally harmonized political and media messaging in support of what was previously considered Taboo sexual behaviors may, in part, just reflect the emerging accepted behavioral norms of the new caste of idle rich, of the hyper wealthy.

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