Valentine: How to Out-Compute the Left – Republicans Cannot ‘Out-Fraud’ the Left and Cannot “Out Ballot-Harvest” the Left

Leftists make good use of obsolete relational tech; Republicans, not so much.
In 2024, there is an opportunity to out-compute the left. Here’s what it may look like.

Leftists made huge, 40-year investments in corrupting voter commissions, getting their team on board, building phantom armies they could vote when needed.
Unfortunately for them, their fraud is dependent on 1970s relational database — its limitations, its latency, its clumsy use by Republicans.
Real-time changes the outcomes.
Every address in every county, certainly in 17, can be profiled in excruciating detail — square feet, year built, number of baths, bedrooms. Voter roll changes can be seen the moment they are augmented by helpful leftist voter commissions.

Challenges happen now — before the election — publicly — not months afterward, when nobody cares.
In 2024, the goal is not to stop voter fraud. Stopping fraud will take years.
Super-compute can reduce fraud by 40% or more — and that is more than enough to stop leftists who are stuck on relational technology.

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