Vaccine Provider Incentive Program:from Anthem/Blue Cross/Blue Shield COVID-19ROBERT W MALONE MD, MS

This Substack provides the documentation and links demonstrating what many have believed to be going on with the clear obsession of physicians and hospitals to administer unlicensed medical “vaccine” products which have proven neither safe nor effective.
There were two main programs for “incentives” for this regulated biological product. The first was pretty straight-up; this many bucks extra per jabbed patient as an “incentive”. The government paid insurance companies, who then would reimburse providers. The amount of money for this program is staggering, although the government has not made the individual distribution amounts of insurance companies, pharmacies, etc. public. Most likely, it will take a FOIA request to obtain specific information (if anyone has access to those documents, don’t hesitate to email with copies or links!)

A second incentive program was based on a bonus system for percent of patients vaccinated during the 2021 year. That document is as follows:

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