America Under Attack: Massive Blaze in Pensacola Marks NINTH Recycling Plant Fire in First Half of August Alone

by JD Rucker

August 16, 2023

Climate change. The obsession with it by cultists who desperately want to be proven right about the end of the world has prompted dozens of known (and likely hundreds of unverified) arson attacks this summer in the name of convincing us that heat of the season isn’t normal and cow farts are going to kill us all.
It would appear that someone, whether cultists or more nefarious players pushing the globalists’ plans, have selected a new target for their escapades. Recycling plants are going up in flames across the country and of course every event is an opportunity for corporate media to blame climate change. Well, not all. One of the nine recent fires has been blamed on a “likely faulty battery.”

Recycling plant fires create a very noteworthy statement for those seeking to blame climate change. The billowing smoke and foul stench draw attention and prompt local media to cover the events profusely. It can often be seen from miles away and can linger for days.
Recycling plant fires are the perfect narrative-builders for cultists.

Here’s a list of this month’s recycling plant carnage:

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