The May 2023 Society of Actuaries Report Reveals Disturbing Data On The Lethality Of the Covid Vaccines. Our USA Today Op-Ed “silently suggesting” vaccines cause excess mortality was inspired by damning data from the Society of Actuaries. Unsurprisingly, the report conclusions suggest self-censorship.


To review the report more in depth, I had help from a life insurance industry expert who more carefully reviewed the entire report and noted the following issues and limitations with both the report and the data contained in it.
First off, right at the beginning of the report, they report this chilling statistic:
The 33-month period of April 2020 through December 2022 showed the following Group Life mortality results: • Estimated reported Group Life claim incidence rates were up 15.9% on a seasonally adjusted basis compared to 2017–2019 reported claims. (Whoa – On average, 15% more Americans are continuing to die monthly compared to before the pandemic).

This is a fact – in their report – which is opposite of their stated conclusions that vax contributed favorably. Their data shows that in 2022 it was actually a negative.
In summary:
1) Their data shows that younger people and people who were working suddenly had worse mortality in ‘21 and ‘22, and was concentrated in some professions, including the government employees.
2) Their data shows that as of year end 2022, excess mortality continues, even though COVID was no longer a major driver of mortality, instead driven by other/unknown causes and a few others (see 8).
3) Their data shows that any benefits to the vax in early 2021 were no longer helpful, and was harmful in 2022 (though confounding can’t be ruled out and r2 is low).
I’m happy to discuss if can be helpful. For sure there are a lot of ways to interpret all of this data, but I don’t think I am stretching with anything I say above, as long as it includes appropriate caveats.

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