Exclusive: Video interview with 3 experts reveals evidence that the drug companies knew about the SV40 promoter, yet decided to conceal it from the regulators.


It’s OK with the regulators when they are deceived like this. Health Canada did nothing when they found out they were deceived. Not a single health authority is warning the public.

Topics covered in the video include:
what is the probability of IRREPARABLE harm,
why these experts all believe that the vaccine is adulterated,
the evidence that the drug companies DELIBERATELY concealed the presence of the SV40 promoter sequence from the regulators (revealed here for the first time and it’s really compelling),
how the drug companies cleverly avoided violating the contamination specs by using two DIFFERENT measurement techniques depending on what was being measured (the different techniques have different sensitivities and the regulators under-specified the requirements so the drug companies were clever)
NOBODY from the FDA, CDC, EMA, WHO, or every other health authority in the world have never contacted Kevin on his work since it was first published in April 2023
that Health Canada did NOTHING to stop the vaccines after admitting the vaccines contain an active ingredient that they were never notified existed and have no clue how damaging it is. They aren’t going to stop the vaccine, they aren’t going to warn the public. And they certainly are not going to do the research into the harms being done. Nor will they even ask the drug companies to do the research. They are simply going to act like it didn’t happen and make sure that the press doesn’t write about it so nobody will know. They just want the whole mistake to go away and their hope is by ignoring it, it will just “disappear.”
how NO health authority in the world is even asking the drug companies any questions like “So, who removed the SV40 promoter label from the diagrams and why did they do it?”,
that none of the regulators asked any questions as to “why is THAT in there” (the vaccine has lots of things that are in there to do medical research because it appears they used an off-the-shelf formulation used in research to rush to market faster),
the press is remaining silent (no one from the mainstream press, other than “fact checkers,” ever talked to any of these experts)
why Congress isn’t asking any questions,
what these experts think the FDA will do now,
how they think Pfizer and Moderna will extricate themselves (or not),
how serious the harms are,
how many labs has Kevin McKernan shipped his testing kit to,
why no health authority worldwide will fund the research as to whether or not this irreparably damages your DNA,
which media is covering this news,
why testing monocytes in blood is the best chance for finding a signal, but sperm and semen may be the most telling
why pregnant mothers should NEVER NEVER NEVER take the COVID vaccine (it can mess up the DNA for both the mom and the unborn child)
how the CDC could possibly justify recommending the vaccine to pregnant women (short story: they can’t possibly so that’s why they’ll never publicly allow themselves to be challenged)
how the experts think this will end.

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