WATCH: Freedom activist warns Bibi is back to FINISH what he STARTED

By Avi YeminiDecember 05, 2022

Some Israelis are concerned that the return to power of a Benjamin Netanyahu-led government will see a complete implementation of the globalist agenda.

Freedom activist Efrat Fenigson warns that the mood in Israel is grim despite most Covid restrictions having been lifted.
Speaking with her in Tel Aviv, she told me people were still reeling from civil rights abuses experienced during the pandemic and that they feared more were to come.
“At the beginning of Covid I was shocked like everyone with the state of emergency,” she said.
“The response to Covid was really severe. I realised something wrong was happening to our democracy.”
Fenigson said it was well known that Israel was used to promote the Pfizer vaccine with 6.5m of the nation’s 9m citizens receiving the first shot.
“Israel had the role of the vaccines,” she said. “There was no jab, no job. We had mandates. We had everything.”
She said Israel was the perfect nation to trial vaccines because people had long been conditioned to obey authorities.
“We saw huge amounts of compliance here,” she said. “It takes a lot to bang on people’s doors and say ‘wake up, there’s something happening here and it’s not right’”.
She said the mandates were instituted under the right-wing government of Benjamin Netanyahu and his recent re-election had many Israeli’s fearing that he had been brought back to continue implementing a globalist agenda.
“Bibi is coming back now to continue what he started with Pfizer and the agreement,” she said.
“There is nowhere to hide. We are seeing global changes happening in many countries at the same time.”
Fenigson said some Israelis no longer trusted the government and were preparing for more trouble ahead.

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