Who is funding the Hamas/Antifa/Transgender/et cetera Protests in America?

I know Col. Mills. He is very credible.

Yes, the “protesters” are paid agitators.

Thank your state cannabis program


First things first – State sponsored cannabis programs are a pox and a cancer on American society. The libertarians fight and argue on this topic – but this is not the “Fast Times at Ridgemont High” pot from the 80s. The modern cannabis cannot be disassociated with the Fentanyl pesticide being strewn on our streets to cause death and destruction.
Want to know who is funding the sudden appearance of Hamas supporters and their street violence? Very likely the state cannabis programs, where Chinese paramilitaries are muscling their way in – and often now conducting the operations totally outside of state government regulatory oversight. The Hamas advocates are indistinguishable and often the exact same people as the BLM, Antifa, Transgender, Groomer, Squatter, Public School Teacher and grievance of the day useful idiots for the Chinese Communist Party.
When Stephen Gregory was alive and Senior Editor of the Epoch Times, we had different viewpoints on the funding levels and sources for the street mobbery of the 2020 Summer of Love.
His number for the street violence was $10m of walking around money from the CCP. My model showed closer to $100M of CCP walking around money, largely from casinos in Vancouver, BC and then in Indian gambling establishments along the I-5 corridor south to Seattle, Portland, San Francisco, and Los Angeles. The going rate in Portland was $250 a night for the Antifers. Do a little model on the number of protesters x number of nights x number of cities and $100M was far more realistic.
Even for the CCP $100M is a lot – it may have helped steal the the 2020 election, but the CCP is very tight on liquidity. This time the CCP is getting the walking around money for street violence straight from the American People through this fraud and canard of state sponsored cannabis.

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