Save the Planet, Cull the Herd!One Reason the Left Pushes Abortion and Euthanasia

Little wonder that within the gaggle of radical green extremists we find both socialists, who believe only government can control the masses to the extent necessary to save the planet and equitably redistribute wealth; and we find Malthusians, who believe we must eliminate the root cause of the carbon emissions propelling the climate apocalypse – again, that’s you.

Well, okay, maybe not you, specifically, but certainly enough people to make the world less burdened by the blight upon Mother Nature that is humanity. Fewer people means fewer carbon emissions; and fewer people also means less money has to be redistributed for the sake of “equity,” which pleases rich climate cultists (looking at you, World Economic Forum), who can give more money to the cause.

… The heralds of the Cult of Death never take “no” for an answer from their victims. Consequently, notwithstanding the AMA’s latest rejection, assisted suicide is already permitted and practiced in some states with more in line to adopt it; and more states are being targeted to insert abortion into their state constitutions and statute books.
In pushing the death agenda’s twin evils of abortion and euthanasia, the “compassionate” Left seeks the power to kill you coming or going. Apparently, when it comes to the climate apocalypse, Goddess Gaia doesn’t care if you’re sacrificed to her as an hors d’oeuvre or dessert.

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