First: fear. Then: greatness.

Truth Over Tyranny: Biblical wisdom for defeating the Technocrats.
These are my insights for defeating the Transhumanist Technocracy movement, based on the teachings of Rabbi Jonathan Sacks, of blessed memory, on the weekly Bible portion.

A main focus of the popular “human resource development” movement over the past few decades, has been the importance of “finding your purpose.” Personal growth trainers, coaches, and advisers all try to help clients determine their “mission in life.”

Who exactly assigns us this mission? And why did they choose us?
And what makes them think we can carry it out?

Rabbi Sacks addresses this very question in his commentary on Parashat Vayishlach called “Feeling the Fear.”
He shows how many of the heroes of Biblical stories struggled mightily with their personal mission. Yet God would not let them off the hook.

For example, Jacob, Jonah, and Moses:

“Rashbam sees this as the clue to understanding Jacob’s night-time fight. He relates it to other episodes in Tanach, two in particular: the story of Jonah, and the obscure episode in the life of Moses when, on his way back to Egypt, the text says that “When they were in the place where they spent the night along the way, God confronted Moses and wanted to kill him” (Ex. 4:24). Tzipporah then saved Moses’ life by giving their son a brit milah (Ex. 4:25-26).”

“It is the story of Jonah that provides the key to understanding the others. Jonah sought to escape from his mission to go to Nineveh to warn the people that the city was about to be destroyed if they did not repent. Jonah fled in a boat to Tarshish, but God brought a storm that threatened to sink the ship. The prophet was then thrown into the sea and swallowed by a giant fish that later vomited him out alive. Jonah thus realised that flight was impossible.”

“The same, says Rashbam, applies to Moses who, at the Burning Bush, repeatedly expressed his reluctance to undertake the task God had set him. Evidently, Moses was still prevaricating even after beginning the journey, which is why God was angry with him.”

“So it was with Jacob. According to Rashbam, despite God’s assurances, he was still afraid of encountering Esau. His courage failed him and he was trying to run away. God sent an angel to stop him from doing so.”

Rabbi Sacks points to the source of the fear felt by these men: feelings of inadequacy:

“It is a unique interpretation, sobering in its implications. Here were three great men, Jacob, Moses, and Jonah, yet all three, according to Rashbam, were afraid. Of what? None was a coward.”

“They were afraid, essentially, of their mission. Moses kept telling God at the burning bush: Who am I? They won’t believe in me. I am not a man of words. Jonah was reluctant to deliver a message from God to Israel’s enemies. And Jacob had just said to God, “I am unworthy of all the kindness and faith that You have shown me” (Gen. 32:11).”

“Nor were these the only people in Tanach who had this kind of fear. So did the Prophet Isaiah when he said to God, “I am a man of unclean lips.” So did Jeremiah when he said, “I cannot speak: I am a child.”

“This is not physical fear. It is the fear that comes from a feeling of personal inadequacy. “Who am I to lead the Jewish people?” asked Moses. “Who am I to deliver the word of God?” asked the prophets. “Who am I to stand before my brother Esau, knowing that I will continue the covenant and he will not?” asked Jacob. Sometimes the greatest have the least self-confidence, because they know how immense is the responsibility and how small they feel in relation to it.”

Rabbi Sacks also tells us how this fear is overcome:

“Courage does not mean having no fear. It means having fear but overcoming it. If that is true of physical courage it is no less true of moral and spiritual courage.”

“To feel fear is fine. To give way to it is not. For God has faith in us all even though, at times, even the best of us lack faith in ourselves.”

Yes. I do believe that God gives us jobs we can handle, even if we don’t feel up to it. We must work to ratchet up our game until we know “we got this.” This applies to both Jews and non-Jews; indeed, all people who accept the sovereignty of the One True God.

The heroes of the Bible were wrestling with the great task of playing their role in the national Jewish mission:

“That is what we as Jews are meant to do: to have the courage to be different, to challenge the idols of the age, to be true to our faith while seeking to be a blessing to others regardless of their faith.”

Yes. The Jewish mission is to challenge the idols of the age – and to inspire people of other faiths to do the same. Today we can all be united in the purpose of challenging the “idol” that is the Covid “vaccine.”

The science, data, and personal experience of millions of people show this “god” is a fake:

It does not prevent getting infected by Covid.
It does not prevent transmitting Covid.
It does not prevent you from getting sicker and dying from Covid, once you get it.
As a matter of fact, it makes you more susceptible to getting sick from Covid – and many other diseases.
And it can kill you.

Yet this mutation of mRNA technology – and all its future variants – are touted as a wonder drug by the Transhumanist Technocrats and their cohorts in the Great Reset. It is the Idol of our age.

When we look at the forces stacked against us – psychotic globalist oligarchs with money to burn; corrupted officials at every level of government; media outlets provoking insurrection – we can feel as overwhelmed as our Forebearers did when they faced the challenges of their times. How the heck are we supposed to win this one?

Why does God think we are up to the task?

I think He has made things pretty cut and dry. It is not hard to see what is at stake: the very freedoms He has endowed us with. Those freedoms are being attacked every day by the Transhumanist Technocrats. They want control of our bodies with medical technology. They want control of our minds with collectivist propaganda. They want control of our children with Marxist indoctrination. They want control of our livelihoods with socialist class warfare. They want control of our money with CBDC. They want control of our rights with corrupted government.

All in the name of making us bow to the “vaccine god.”

We will keep fighting because we have too much to lose. I know we are afraid to take a stand. But the Jewish mission – and the mission of all people who value their God-given freedom – is to fight the fights worth fighting. We will find that it is in the course of the battle that we will achieve the greatness needed to win. As Rabbi Sacks concludes:

“For we are all children of the man who was given the name of one who wrestles with God and with men and prevails. Ours is not an easy task, but what worthwhile mission ever was? We are as great as the challenges we have the courage to undertake. And if, at times, we feel like running away, we should not feel bad about it. So did the greatest.”

We will lose only if we stop fighting.

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