More bad news for the mRNAsA new paper in a top scientific journal shows they accidentally cause our cells to create vast numbers of random misshapen proteins; no one has any idea how serious the risks of those might be


But every miracle has a price.
Modified RNA is no exception. When the Covid jabs were introduced, scientists and regulators made two crucial assumptions about them.
First, that the mRNA in them would quickly be destroyed, so they would not continuously produce spike protein for weeks or months. As a Reuters “fact-check” in April 2021 explained:
Dr Daniel Kuritzkes, chief of the infectious diseases division at Brigham and Women’s Hospital, one of the world’s top teaching hospitals and part of Harvard Medical School… pointed out that the mRNA vaccines are degraded within 24 to 48 hours… that means they disappear from the shot recipients’ bodies within a day or two.
The eminent Dr. Kuritzkes was wrong.
In early 2022, scientists reported in Cell, one of the world’s top journals, they had found vaccine mRNA for at least 60 days in germinal centers, which are crucial parts of the immune system. Other studies have had similar findings.
The modified vaccine RNA appears to be too good at tamping down the immune response, and thus lasts far longer than expected. In turn, the overly persistent mRNA may cause the autoimmune disorders that have been reported after Covid jabs – and possibly other immune system changes too.

The second assumption was that the jabs would produce only spike protein.
This issue wasn’t discussed as often, because the mRNA in the shots essentially copied the portion of the coronavirus’s RNA that “encoded” for the spike. What else could it make?
The answer turns out to be lots of other proteins.
The reason, as the authors of Wednesday’s bombshell paper demonstrate, is that the modified mRNA confuses ribosomes – the “machines” in our cells that read RNA and convert it into amino acids that then build themselves into proteins.
The confusion isn’t enough to stop the ribosome from working, but it does cause “frameshifting” – essentially a stutter.*

(They’ve redesigned “future mRNA therapeutics” to be less “potentially harmful.” Great! Now they just need to design a time machine so they can give those instead of the “potentially harmful” ones a billion-plus people got.)

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