John and Kathi Meo

We had been involved in the local Republican party back in NJ over 20 years ago, but then life got busy with our 7 kids, running our own Financial Planning business, church, moving to Florida, health issues, etc., so we didn’t really pay too much attention until 2016, when Donald J. Trump was running for President and was exposing how corrupt so much of our government was.
We always knew there were some unscrupulous characters, but Trump shed the light on not only the media, but how deep “the swamp” is and how there’s a double standard and a two-tiered justice system in our country. This is the exact opposite of what our forefathers wrote in the Declaration of Independence and U.S. Constitution and passed down to us.
Freedom is a gift bestowed upon us by these founding fathers and God, and it is a gift to be passed on to generations to come. If we don’t fight for them, our children and grandchildren will never know the freedoms we enjoyed ever existed.

We knew we couldn’t sit back any longer and watch them turn our beautiful free country into a Communist state. So we started getting involved in the local Republican party, which was growing since so many people were just disgusted with the treatment of the newly elected President Trump and the constant attacks against him, his cabinet and those of us who realized what he was saying regarding how we were being flat out lied to by our government was true.

Then when Covid hit, we were convinced that it was a deliberate attempt to steal the 2020 election, which is exactly what happened. We went full throttle, using the Precinct Strategy by Dan Schultz who we saw on Steve Bannon’s Warroom Pandemic. We became active Precinct Committeemen in our County Republican Executive Committee and recruited dozens of other America First MAGA Patriots who felt like we do. Kathi became the Secretary on the Executive Board in April 2022, was re-elected in December of 2022, and John became the Chairman April 2023.

We went from 150 to over 300 Precinct Committeemen and women in the last couple years, and are making a big difference in the County from Commissioners to School Board members, flipping all the seats. We continue to fight for Election Integrity and campaigning for strong constitutional Godly patriot conservatives and will never stop!
This is a spiritual war of good vs evil.
Please reach out to John at 732-239-1052, email John at and Kathi at 732-239-1053, or email if you’d like to learn more about how to get involved.
We need every Patriot to help take our country back!

We will leave you with our favorite quote from the 40th President of the United States Ronald Reagan:
“Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction.
We didn’t pass it on to our children in the bloodstream.
It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same”.

(Note: These are our personal opinions and are made personally and not necessarily representative of the Collier County Republican Executive Committee).

John and Kathi Meo

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