Elizabeth Nader

A conservative influencer in New Jersey, Elizabeth Nader is the Chief Operating Officer of Common Sense Club and Common Sense New Jersey, host of The Nader Narrative on Jersey 1st TV, a board member of Jersey 1st, co-founder/co-director of the annual conservative conference “A Seat at the Table”, and a member of the Daughters of the American Revolution. She is also a wife, mother of four, mindset coach, motivational speaker, and author of the acclaimed book “Master Your Mindset the Master’s Way”. The belief that a commitment to pursuing truth will help restore our nation to its founding principles is the driving force behind the voice she has established in the political realm.

What is the truth? It’s an age-old question that I believe has an easy answer – it’s the Word of God and everything that emanates from Him. I don’t think we have to walk through life confused about who we are, what we are, and what we should do…just ask the Creator. He speaks constantly…and his Word holds it all. My drive, my motivation, and my inspiration is to accomplish what I was created to do on this earth…and that purpose is driven by God. Don’t you want to know your purpose too?

Elizabeth Nader


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