Louise Salomon

Tyranny is a cancer, left unchecked, will take-out any healthy, productive, and prosperous culture. Human nature is what it is and unfortunately most humans are reactive, not proactive. They are in a comfort zone. The mind-set for most, I fear, is that all the freedom and liberties we have and had would always be there. Fear controls and we must never be fearful. Mind control may start almost inconsequentially with great subtlety and gains strength to be outright obvious as is with the sad state of our union today. Our government officials and corporations have mostly become monarchs aka as globalists (the modern day word) and we are now in a war of good versus evil. They are there to destroy “The American Dream” which gave Americans such as my parents and myself a chance to have a “taste of success”.

Having an insurance and financial sales and business background and being a child of Holocaust parents has helped me understand a few things as follows:

1). We must always be a little uncomfortable, or not in a comfort zone, in our daily life so we do not become complacent.

2). Do not take anything for granted. Freedom and Liberty are not guaranteed. They are not indelible.

3). Tolerate a little conflict. It is healthy on a daily basis to keep us on top of our game. It is good to have a razor edge cultivated when you need it.

My greatest fears are:

1). Despite all the work all the Patriots are doing to activate the liberals and moderates, it will not wake-up “We The People” in time to take back what is ours. “Time Is Of The Essence.”

2). The Republican establishment will continue to focus only on fundraising and power, not realizing they too will be sucked-up by the evil empire of globalists!!

“Many hands make light work”, so let’s get to work!!

Most Respectfully,

Louise Salomon



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