Davos Bacchanal ReduxIt’s Davos Day!


“Rebuilding Trust” is the recycled and rather threadbare Davos theme for 2024.
Despite the theme of rebuilding trust, for those individuals on the Davos “nice” list – you know, those ever so special invitees with the coveted formal invitations, there seems to be sense of sneaking about. Is it because that distinct stink of elitist globalism can’t be washed off? No matter how clean the Alpine air and snow of Davos, a stench of impending failure and dirty laundry wafts off the globalists. It permeates the very air.
But maybe it is all those expensive call girls hanging about at Davos, that makes the WEF so elusive about that general attendee list. After all, the Demi-Gods of the world like to preach world equity, yet their appetite for high-end (and might I add immoral) indulgences are fully on display at their snowy playground in the Alps. No wonder Epstein liked Davos so much!

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