Trump and Putin Are the Terror of Davos Globalists: Russian Media

Winds of peace are blowing around the world, as the possibility of a rekindling of foreign relations between Earth’s two major nuclear superpowers is getting less incredible by the day.The Tucker Carlson interview with Russian President Vladimir Putin has generated a wave of interest in America on the bilateral relations, and further revealed a stark difference in cognitive sharpness between Putin and ‘Crooked Joe Biden’.And in Russia, a surprising wave of appreciation also arose, with common citizens praising Tucker for his courageous journalism…

Meanwhile Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin remain the two biggest stumbling blocks in the way of the Globalist caste.
“‘Putin, like Trump, is anathema to Davos globalists, but I think he warmed the hearts of silent patriots in many nations who deeply distrust unregulated, global bureaucracies that seem mostly to protect corrupt billionaires, some of whom promoting manifestly crazy policies’, the Wall Street analyst said.”
Ortel thinks – as do I – that the American heartland and the Russian people share much in common, and might benefit greatly from better relations.
“‘Perhaps one simple answer explains much – American and British defense contractors need an enemy to promote arms sales and Russia is their preferred designee. Remember, defense contractors are among the most important contributors directly and indirectly to politicians’, Ortel said. ‘Overall, one consequence of the interview is that Putin came across as a thoughtful and reasonable defender of Russian interests who, in my opinion, may have been too patient with US-UK aggression since 1992’.
[…] ‘On major issues particularly in math, science and engineering, I believe the best Russian and American minds might make major breakthroughs. In the near future too, I hope our people may connect directly, bypassing the corrupt vested interests here in America’, Ortel concluded.”

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