Why Alex Soros Is Demanding More Money for Globalist Incubator Ukraine

This isn’t about greed or stopping Russia. This is about prolonging the war and keeping their launching pad of corruption intact. News portion generated from corporate media reports.


Modern day Ukraine was built by Obama and his underlings to be a black hole from which truth cannot escape. Massive money laundering goes undetected in Ukraine. Bioweapons can be built with less scrutiny than in Communist China. Weapons can be brought in and divvied out to whatever nation or terrorist organization suits the needs of the globalists. Hamas and Hezbollah are recent recipients of military aid that was laundered through Ukraine.
In short, this is not just another globalist virtue signaling for Ukraine. It’s a public statement of the panic the cabal is feeling over the prospects of aid not flowing to Ukraine from the United States. It is imperative that Republicans use the limited power they have in the House to prevent further funding of the globalists’ machinations. With that said, here’s the news itself generated from corporate media reports…

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