How GovTech Will Control Your Life.A Globalist plan to digitize society and trap you in the grid.


Plans for a New Digital Order –– a fully digitized, total-surveillance society –– are moving ahead faster than you think.
From February 12-14, 2024, industry leaders and government officials met in Dubai for the World Governments Summit (WGS). Think mini Davos meet-up in the Middle East, focusing on how governments will be run. In their own words:
“The World Governments Summit Organization is a global, neutral, non-profit organization dedicated to shaping the future of governments. The Summit, in its various activities, explores the agenda of the next generation of governments, focusing on harnessing innovation and technology to solve universal challenges facing humanity.”1
The six main themes for this year’s WGS were the following:..

E-Ukraine: 100% engineered and driven by the Globalists.
This brings us to Ukraine, and the ambitious plans for digital reconstruction as the country continues to be devastated by the war.
As early as November 2022, BlackRock announced that an agreement had been signed with the Ukrainian Government to rebuild the country4. A few months later, BlackRock also revealed it had partnered with J.P. Morgan to set up a reconstruction bank in Ukraine5.
Part of the funding is going towards “Diia”6, Ukraine’s e-governance program which was first launched in February 2020, two years before the war. As per this press release, the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) was instrumental in the creation of Diia:
“Since the establishment of Ukraine’s Ministry of Digital Transformation (MDT) in 2019, USAID provided legal, financial, and technical assistance to develop Diia for Ukrainian citizens”7.
In fact, USAID — and more specifically Samantha Power — has been instrumental in the digitization of Ukraine, dating back to the Obama years. One example is the “TAPAS” initiative8, which kicked off in 2016:…

It may be a small example, but see how it works? Problem, reaction, solution. A problem is created, in this case the war in Ukraine. Disorder and chaos follows. Digitization is presented as the solution.
Diia’s e-governance model has been so successful that USAID announced in January 2023 at the World Economic Forum (WEF) Annual Meeting that it would allocate $650,000 to implement similar systems in other countries12.
This news of expansion comes as USAID continues to finance Ukraine’s digital future. In January 2024, USAID, UK International Development (UK Dev) and Eurasia Foundation revealed a $150 million five-year program called the “Digital Transformation Activity (DTA)”, dedicated to “enhancing Ukraine’s digital capabilities and building resilient systems for a secure, prosperous future”13.
That same month, at the 2024 Annual Meeting in Davos, the WEF and Ukraine’s Ministry of Digital Transformation signed a letter of intent agreeing to “work towards the country’s digital transformation”14:

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