Stop Weaseling. Shut Down the Damned Government on March 8. Whatever you ‘know’ about the Border, it’s much much worse.


This below is migrant camp infrastructure at the border in Panama. There are scores of these all along the border, all through Mexico, Central America, the southern U.S. and Panama. You know what? They are building more, they are maxing out the infrastructure three or four times. The Prime Ministers of Costa Rica and Nicaragua are quadrupling the numbers of busses to take migrants from their countries to the U.S. border. All across the southern states, there are warehouses filled with migrants. A decommissioned Walmart warehouse near Houston holds 1,500 migrant boys. There are dozens of those all through the U.S…

The migrants are mostly military-aged men. This is an invasion. And they are coming to kill us, one way or another, according to the most experienced and committedreporter on the scene, who has examined every aspect of this for more than two decades, Michael Yon. He has travelled the routes, and interviewed thousands. Yon is the GOAT reporter of the invasion, his is the most reliable reporting I’ve found. Yon was a Marine, then a war correspondent. He has seen the worst of what humans can do. He is not a wittering Ivy League beta-male, cringing in front of power. Todd Bensman, whose book, Overrun, is his equal…

Who’s in charge of this vicious program, the WEF or the CCP? We know they are working together. We know that America and the world’s CEOs need the CCP more than they need them. WEFers salivate at the prospect of Chinese profits, rolling in Chinese money, that vast market is their wet dream. We know how indebted we are to them. Imagine Musk without China. You can’t. We know they plan to take over the world whether by storm, force or subtle invasion of every institution. We know they run massive generations-long information campaigns. We know their people are everywhere. Why do young white women not want children? Fifty years of propaganda courtesy of the Club of Rome. Do you think that the Club of Rome was just sweet old European families who might be lizards and Nazis? No. The Dragon clan was there. Nothing on earth is more violent, more racist, more hate-filled than the Dragon clan. Ask anyone who has lived in China about how the Chinese feel about blacks. Just ask them and stand back. The Chinese invaders will take everything black America has achieved…

We know, courtesy of Michael Yon, who practically lives at the Darien Gap, that there are units of military-aged Chinese in camps waiting at the border. Unlike any other ethnic background, they won’t speak to anyone. They have everything they need, they have Starlink, they have drones dropping food, they have money, they have debit cards, they have phones, they have SIM cards embedded in their boot heels. They behave like para-military, like MMS, Ministry of State Security. There is a town in China, that looks American in every detail, which is where some of these were trained. They have detailed maps and way stations where they are fed, watered, and rested. They are ordered, they travel in military units. Unlike most migrants, they are young, and fit and healthy and they are pouring in, hundreds of thousands…

According to Michael Yon, they are not coming for economic freedom. They are not ‘refugees’ or migrants. They are coming to kill us and take everything we have.
The enemies of western civilization have portioned off the world. They have bought or bribed our media, government and academia. And now they are bringing in an army.
It’s called Hate Migration and it is instigated, driven, paid for and shepherded by NGO’s stood up by the U.N., American foundations and corporations, taxpayer money all of it. This is all funded by you. Every single penny. Americans pay for every single step through their budgets, their purchases, their donations, their taxes. American corporations are paying for it. This consortium is funding the multiple NGO’s on the border, in this below illustration, specifically, the Jewish NGO, HAIS, the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society…

HAIS is facilitating bringing in hundreds of thousands of Muslims from every country in the Middle East. Of course, DHS Secretary Mayorkas is supporting it. He is hard left, and the hard left hates the Jews. As is proven by the election of George Galloway yesterday in Britain. Mayorkas was on the board of HAIS. This is what infiltration looks like. A man who hates the Jews, because what other possible explanation can there be, sits on the board of the immigration NGO, and lets in hundreds of thousands of sub-literate, military-aged men who are Muslims, the historical and current enemy of the Jewish people. How he escaped impeachment is beyond me…

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