When Jews and Christians Become Leftists: Border invasion

Some Jewish and Christian charities have rejected their religious mission, and become tools of destructive leftist policies like the border invasion. As such, they are now members of a deviant atheist cult that sacrifices innocent Americans – especially children – to a woke ideology.

In the past, they may have done noble humanitarian work; but today, they are complicit in the invasion of our country by foreign agents, gang members. and criminals. Instead of serving God, they are subservient to a malevolent government.

They are making life in this country more dangerous by the day.
They must be stopped.

They must no longer be considered our co-religionists.
They must be harshly condemned for their repulsively immoral behavior.
They must be actively prosecuted for every criminal law they violate.
They must be held accountable for their damage in civil lawsuits.
They must be fully defunded from both government subsidies, and private donations.
They must be held as examples of how bad you get when you replace Judaism or Christianity with Leftism.

The Judeo-Christian heritage of America must be protected from both the enemy without – the foreign invaders – and also from the enemy within – our traitorous former brethren.

Here are some examples:


While I was inside the Bajo Chiquito invader camp in Darien Gap Panama yesterday exposing the HIAS map that teaches invaders and illegal Aliens how to travel to the US and enter the country illegally, an African “migrant” walked up toward me to look at the map.

As you can see below, in another picture, a small child is sitting on the ground next to the sign. Feet away from us, there was piles of garbage, and a woman from Venezuela whose feet were bleeding from walking though the jungle for 4 days. Notice the HIAS sign above her shoulder says “Acoger al extranjero. Protoger al refugiado.” That’s Spanish for “Welcome the stranger, protect the refugee.”

Can someone please tell me how women bleeding on the ground next to trash and children sitting in filth in a migrant camp is “humanitarian aid”? HIAS needs to be shut down, and their employees need to be JAILED for Human trafficking, and aiding and coordinating an invasion.

Blood is on their hands.

Covenant House.

Now we learn that Ibarra was apparently a resident of Covenant House, a New York based charity. Ibarra listed Covenant House’s address as his official release address on his U.S. Customs and Border Patrol documents. Congressman Lance Gooden of Texas has demanded that Convenant House immediately release all records related to Jose Ibarra…

Covenant House is an agency of Catholic Charities of New York. Its stated goal is to provide safe housing and holistic care to youth ages 16–21 experiencing homelessness and survivors of human trafficking. Its latest 990 Form reveals that it raised nearly $91 million in 2022.
Covenant House operates in 14 U.S. States, 2 Canadian Providences and 6 Latin American cities.  A search of USAspending.gov for entries containing the keyword “Covenant House” revealed a total of $56.6 million in prime awards and $13.3 in subawards in federal taxpayer funds provided to Covenant House in between 2021-2023 (click here for a list of the detailed grants).  Keep in mind these grants may have been made for services unrelated to immigration activities, but money is fungible. Keep in mind this is simply one of the hundreds of entites through which Catholic organizations are receiving federal taxpayer funds and does not account for any state taxpayer grants these organizations may have received (see Bishop Bank Billions in Federal Immigration Funds).

Annunciation House.

FIRST ON FOX: Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton is suing a Catholic non-governmental organization operating in the state and wants to have its registration revoked, alleging that it is encouraging illegal immigration and operating a stash house for those entering illegally.

Paxton has sued Annunciation House — a Catholic nonprofit set up in the 1980s — and is seeking to revoke its registration to operate in Texas.
Annunciation House describes itself as a volunteer organization that “offers hospitality to migrants, immigrants, and refugees in El Paso, Texas…”

But Paxton’s lawsuit accuses the group of “openly and flagrantly violating many provisions of law in a systemic fashion.” Specifically, it accuses it of providing shelter to illegal immigrants who have evaded law enforcement, of encouraging illegal immigration, of engaging in human smuggling and of operating a “stash house.”
“Annunciation House appears to be engaged in the operation of an illegal stash house by potentially allowing others to use its real estate to engage in human smuggling,” the lawsuit says.

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