Since the COVID pandemic hit, I have been producing a Daily Report with tips for your insurance, finances, and business. My mission has been to stay on top of ways we can not only survive but thrive through this crisis.

Doing so has given me such a feeling of optimism for the future of our country! I have seen America at its best, in many different ways. Here are but a few:

People have become more committed to financial wisdom.

Every financial advisor worth his or her salt, will tell you to put money away for a rainy day. This includes both personal and business savings.  The totally unexpected Lockdown, and the huge disruption to earnings it caused, proved how important it is to have 6 -12 months income in reserve. More people see that now.

Free enterprise is alive and well.

Business people keep coming through to give us what we need. Businesses large and small have risen to the occasion to deliver everything from face masks, to new on-line platforms. Even the life insurance industry – not known for its rapid pace of innovation – produced new features such as Accelerated Underwriting to make the application process safe and efficient.

Patriotism has reared its beautiful head.

The pandemic showed how bloated bureaucracy, incompetence, and even corruption at all levels of government, can endanger our lives. Governors in a number of states assumed powers with little or no checks and balances. Fortunately, citizens from all sectors of society pushed back hard, from business owners to religious groups, to hold government accountable. In America, all people must follow the law, and we have not hesitated to remind government officials that includes them.

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