Carol DiPaolo

I have been involved in fighting both the government and the medical establishment since 1984.  In 1984, my son who was 4 yrs old had open heart surgery.  He received 19 units of blood and one of the units was contaminated with the AIDS virus.  In 1988, Joey was diagnosed with full blown AIDS and given one year to live.  During my crusade to save my son and others, I took the blood bank to court and won the case for my son.  I was the founder of The Joey DiPaolo AIDS foundation which created a sleep away summer camp program for teens living with HIV/AIDS.  The non-profit ran for 15 years and the summer camp program called TLC ran for 10 years.  The camp is still in existence but addresses many issues and not just AIDS. It is under different leadership.  On a national basis, I was a member of the Community Constituency Group (CCG) organized by AIDS activists with the assistance of Dr. Fauci.  I became the National Pediatric AIDS Representative and worked with pediatric researchers as they put together AIDS trials for children and pregnant women diagnosed with HIV/AIDS. If you are wondering what became of my son, he is 44 years old, married to a lovely woman and they have two little girls. 

Why do I fight for freedom?

I fight for those who are not able to fight because they are either blind or in denial to the fact that we are losing our freedom, or too young, too old to, or too sick to fight.   I know first hand what medical freedom we had and what medical freedom we have lost especially since COVID was unleashed on us. I know from dealing with government and elected officials just how corrupt many of them are and how for power and money they would and do put our welfare at risk.  I cannot sit back and be complacent as I watch my great country deteriorate like a person with AIDS during the height of the epidemic.  We are losing our light, our strong foundation, our freedom and our status among the nations of the world.  I fight for freedom so we can once again be known as America, land of the free and home of the brave. 

What is my biggest fear as I go to battle?  

My biggest fear is that there will be too many battles to fight and not enough people bold enough to be in the fight.  One of the factors I believe is fear.  People fear the government.  They believe the lies created by the mainstream media causing them fear.  They are fearful to speak out, afraid of not being politically correct.  They are fearful to use critical thinking and not be part of group think.  Throw in complacency and we have a good chance of losing our country and our freedoms for good.     Psalm 118:5  Out of my distress I called on the Lord; the Lord answered me and set me free.

If you need any further information, please do not hesitate to contact me.  I want to thank you for stepping out and being in the fight.  I hope others will be encouraged to stand up and stand strong.  The war has only just begun.



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