Pam Goodmansen

Pam Goodmansen fought corruption by starting the TEA Party movement in Arizona in 2009 after being invited into “the family” who promised to pay her millions of dollars if she voted in all of their projects as an elected official.
Pam’s heart was broken when some of her very Conservative children went to BYU-Idaho and lost their faith because of the woke ideology that many church professors teach. She asked her husband to write a book that could save many families the pain and anguish they experience when colleges rob kids of their faith and put them into massive debt. Bruce Goodmansen wrote the book, “100% Success Without College”. The book reveals over 12,000 high paying jobs for kids that skip college and go right into the work force. or

Pam currently works with over 90 Conservative Leaders in Arizona. She is the Director for ACL (Arizona Conservative Leaders). Once she can retire, she would love to teach leaders across the country how to form similar coalitions in their states. So much more can be accomplished when leaders are working together.

Pam can be contacted at

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