Children & mRNA – 7 year old Brazilian boy died after 1st Pfizer COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine – his little heart destroyed with inflammation & clots (published Feb.13, 2024). I write to Alberta Premier.


Hundreds of children have died after taking COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines but the authorities are engaging in criminal conduct covering up these deaths:

Jan.13, 2022 – Groton, MA – 7 year old Cassidy Patrice Baracka received a COVID-19 Vaccine on Jan.13, 2022. She had severe reactions to the mRNA jab and died suddenly 4.5 days later on Jan.18, 2022. The medical examiner, Steve Schwarz, allegedly committed fraud on her death certificate and blamed COVID-19 instead.
The death certificate makes no mention of COVID-19 Vaccine taken 4 days prior to death – those are multiple federal felonies that the medical examiner, Steve Schwarz, committed on her death certificate.
This was referred to the Massachusetts Attorney General for “criminal investigation.”
This information was presented by John Beaudoin to the New Hampshire Senate Health and Human Services on January 10, 2024.

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