Scott Adams explains in layman terms how the CIA ‘captures’ our lawmakers right under our noses…

Scott Adams:If I correctly understand our system of government, when a president or leader in the Congress gets into office, someone in the CIA pulls them aside for “the talk” and completely changes their priorities. The public is then told the leaders now have secret knowledge the public can never know.But the leader has no way of knowing the “secret” information is true and in context. That puts the secret-keepers in firm control of the government’s big decisions. If the secret-keepers agree with a government policy, they stay out of it. If they disagree with a policy, they say the UFOs will attack — or some other unverifiable thing — and by the way, we have recordings of every phone call you ever made, and scare the leaders into compliance.Right in front of us. None of this is secret.

Revolver ref Edward Snowden

Obviously, there’s a big change happening. Johnson entered the DC Swamp roaring like a MAGA lion and emerged whispering like an establishment RINO. The transformation is so obvious, it’s impossible to miss. Here’s Johnson alongside former Speaker and noted RINO turncoat Paul Ryan. Truly, a picture worth a million unthinkable words.
So, what exactly is “Congressional capture” that Snowden speaks of, and how does it work? Well, it’s simple in theory but can be quite complex in practice, shaping itself around each politician.
In short, “Congressional capture” is when lawmakers or legislative bodies fall under the heavy influence of outside interests, like big corporations, special interest groups, or US intel. These influences ensure that their agendas take precedence over the public’s needs. In simple terms, this means certain policies or laws that favor these groups are advanced, while criticism or resistance is quietly suppressed. Suddenly, their most ferocious critics become their biggest cheerleaders.

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